Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research: Biomarkers to Diagnose Serious Kidney Allergic Reaction

Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that has released issues from wide geographic locations across the world since its inception in the year 2017, in addition to several special issues and International conference proceedings.
The Journal has demonstrated substantial impact in all the relevant fields of modern Surgical research including Breast surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Neurosurgery, Endocrine Surgery, Hepatobiliary, and Pancreatic Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Urologic Surgery, and Dermatologic Surgery. It provides the platform for the exchange of new clinical and scientific information in the most precise and expeditious way to achieve timely dissemination of information and cross-fertilization of ideas, to address the issues and challenges in this field.
The Journal extends an invitation to all academicians, scientists and industry personnel associated with Surgical research to share their research and exploration outcomes. Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research offers special discounts up to 40% on the article processing charges on the occasion of stepping into 4th year in publication and encourages the contributors across the globe to make the best use of the opportunity.
The Journal offers this unique opportunity of greater flexibility to the contributors to published different types of scientific communications including original research, case reports, systematic reviews, commentaries and expert opinions on diverse aspects of surgery.
The journal employs the online manuscript submission system for the submission and tracking of submitted manuscripts. The system enables the authors to track the progress of the manuscript, hopefully for publication. The acceptance and publication of the article are determined by the reviewers’ comments and final approval of the editor-in-chief of the journal.
Currently, the Journal with vast array of archived articles is listed in the International abstracting and indexation databases including Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), EBSCOhost, Free Medical Journals, Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, CAS.
Note: Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research is a constituent Journal of the Pulsus publishing which is one of the well-established, leading and prominent publication houses producing periodical volumes of systematic and scholarly peer-reviewed articles on clinical, medical, social, management, engineering and technology subjects since two decades. Pulsus health tech is focused on expanding healthcare informatics and pharmacovigilance market studies of the current and future prospects of the global healthcare market.
If you would like more information about this journal, please contact the Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research at +441704335730 or email at surgicalresearch@emedicinejournals.org.
Olivia Bratt
Assistant Managing Editor
Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research
Whatsapp: +441704335730