N-Nitrosation of dimethylamine by Bacillus cereus isolated from fermented Palm sap

N-Nitrosation of dimethylamine by Bacillus cereus isolated from fermented Palm sap
Journal of Food and Clinical Nutrition is an open access peer reviewed journal that publishes recent research developments made in the field of food science and nutrition biology. And in this we are explaining the importance and short note regarding the article which is published in our journal and the most cited article.
Palm wine is a whitish beverage obtained from the sap of palms, such as Elaeis guineensis and Raphia hookeri, commonly found in the tropical region. The sap naturally undergoes fermentation after tapping from the palms due to contamination by certain bacteria and yeast from the tapping environment and even instruments. Their studies were later supported by several studies reporting the isolation of microbes including Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Brevibacterium, Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Escherichia and Saccharomyces, Leuconostoc palmae spp and Saccharomyces spp., Bacillus cereus, Bacillus firmus and Enterococcus feacalis in palm wine from fermented palm wine. In the recent time, our research group isolated Acetobacter aceti from fermented palm wine of the E. guineensis brand. Bacillus cereus is a rod-shaped bacterium, which is Gram-positive, flagellated and spore-forming in nature. This saprophytic bacterial species is commonly present in the soil environment and as a microbial contaminant in several foods. Being present in foods makes it possible for this bacterium to be ingested, therefore becoming part of the microflora in the intestinal tract of humans. Isolates of this bacterium from foods and human gut can be subdivided into mesophilic and psychrotrophic strains.
The formation of N-nitrosamines from amines or amine-related compounds in the presence of nitrite or nitrate has been well documented through several studies, as a complex process involving both enzymatic and chemical mechanisms. Cultures of Escherichia coli, Bifidobacterium, Pseudomonas stutzeri, Cryptococcus terreus, Xanthomonas campetris and several other bacteria have been found to catalyze the formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine [NDMA].
Soluble fractions obtained from the cell suspensions of certain bacteria and yeast, isolated from fermented palm wine, catalyzed nitrosation at neutral pH, when incubated with diphenylamine [DPA], diethylamine [DEA] or dimethylamine [DMA] in the presence of nitrite and glucose. The intrinsic factor in the soluble extracts of the microorganisms responsible for the nitrosation was then suggested to be a heat-labile factor, suggested to be an enzyme [23]. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the nitrosating activity of Bacillus cereus, isolated from fermented palm wine, as well as the kinetics and possible mechanism involved during incubation of this bacterium with dimethylamine and nitrite or nitrate.
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Aaron Province
Managing Editor
Journal of Food and Clinical Nutrition
Whatsapp no; +15046082390