Klotho Human Protein

Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis consists of the latest findings related to pathogenesis and treatment of kidney disease,hypertension,acid-base and electrolyte disorders,dialysis therapies and kidney transplantation.
Klotho is a naturally occurring human protein discovered in 1997. The name comes from the mythological Greek goddess, Klotho, who was one of the three Fates responsible for spinning the thread of life. It’s an appropriate name as Klotho protein is involved in many biological pathways in both humans and animals and appears to have major effects throughout our lifespan. Klotho influences longevity, cognition, and kidney function and slows the progression of diabetes and cancer.
Klotho deficient animals exhibit a premature aging phenotype characterized by a short lifespan, vascular and kidney disease, reduced body weight, osteoporosis, age-related skin changes, ectopic calcification, hypoglycemia, infertility, and cognitive and memory impairment.
Exogenous administration of Klotho in Klotho deficient or aged animals has proven to significantly improve their aging phenotype, increase lifespan, promote cell survival and neurogenesis, and enhance cognitive and memory function. Genetic overexpression of Klotho in hAPP mice, which is a model of Alzheimer’s disease, and in the SAMP8 model of premature aging can improve cognitive function and prevent cell loss in the brain.
In humans, the Klotho gene (KL) exists in three different forms that are associated with different lifespans, intelligence, and health status. About 75% of the population has the standard KL form. A much smaller group has one copy of the genetic variant KL-VS, which increases Klotho levels. This is associated with a longer lifespan, good heart and kidney function, larger brain size, and better cognition in healthy adults. A very small group of people have two copies of KL-VS, resulting in lower Klotho levels and an increase in risk of disease.
Multiple clinical and preclinical studies have implicated Klotho as an important anti-aging molecule regulating lifespan, health, and cognitive function. As discussed above, studies have proven that an absence of Klotho protein in laboratory animals led to a shorter lifespan and cognitive impairment. Inversely, higher circulating Klotho levels in Klotho overexpressing mice and in people carrying the KL-VS allele are associated with longer lifespan and enhanced cognitive and memory function.
There is firm evidence to support that treatment with Klotho protein or an adenovirus increases lifespan and promotes cognitive and memory function in Klotho deficient mice as well as in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease and premature aging. The cellular and molecular mechanisms of action underlying the Klotho beneficial effects on longevity and age-related cognitive decline are related to increases in cell survival, neurogenesis, neuronal maturation, modulation of glutamate signaling and LTP. Future development of Klotho therapies can revolutionize the treatment of aging and age-related cognitive decline.
Unlike traditional biotech companies in this space, KTI is minimizing the standard risks of development to reduce the cost and time of getting Klotho to human trials. Klotho Therapeutics is well positioned to enter human trials within 2 years focused on its first indication: to slow the progression of kidney disease, which affects up to 40 million patients per year in the US, 600,000 of whom are currently on dialysis. It is through this final research that true advancements in Klotho reproduction can be made.
Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis publishes the manuscripts that are directly or indirectly based on variegated aspects of Articles that are submitted to our journal will undergo a double-blind peer-review process to maintain quality and the standards set for academic journals. The review process will do by our external reviewers which are double-blind. The comments will upload directly to the editorial tracking system. Later the editor will check the comments whether it is acceptable or not. The overall process will take around 21 days under with the editor. After acceptance by the editor, it will be published on the Press page. Authors can submit their manuscripts to the online submission portal.
With Regards,
John Robert
Managing Editor
Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis