Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis


                                                                                                  Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis



Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis - is a peer-reviewed, open-access publication with a clinical nephrology practice and associated disorders as its main focus. Dialysis, transplantation, diabetes, anemia, pharmacy nutrition, and clinical aspects of kidney care are just a few of the clinical areas of renal medicine that are covered.

The articles that are published in the Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis either reveal novel concepts or findings that potentially have a significant impact in this field or they highlight significant advancements achieved on previously published work.

The Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnostics strives to be the most comprehensive and reliable source of information on the latest advancements in kidney illnesses and diagnosis. The emphasis will be on fast producing papers of the highest caliber and making them freely accessible to researchers and young academics all across the world.

Highlights from the Journal

  • Glomerular Diseases: The kidneys capacity to keep a balance of particular compounds in the bloodstream is diminished by glomerular disease. The kidneys typically keep red blood cells and protein in the bloodstream while filtering toxins out of the bloodstream and excreting them in the urine.
  • Haemodialysis: When your kidneys are failing, you can use hemodialysis to clean and filter your blood in order to replace some of the kidney's duties.
  • Kidney Transplantation: In a kidney transplant, a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor is surgically implanted into a patient whose kidneys are no longer functioning correctly.
  • Kidney Cancer:  Cancer that starts in the kidneys is known as kidney cancer. Your kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are each around the size of your fist. Your kidneys are located behind your abdominal organs, one on each side of your spine.
  • Acute Tubular Necrosis: Abrupt tubular necrosis (ATN) is a kidney condition that damages the kidneys' tubule cells and can result in acute renal failure. The tubules, which are tiny ducts, filter blood as it passes through the kidneys.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease: Clusters of cysts develop largely within your kidneys as a result of polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a genetic ailment that over time causes your kidneys to expand and become less functional. Cysts are fluid-filled, spherical, non-cancerous sacs. The cysts exist in different sizes and can grow to be quite enormous.
  • Horseshoe Kidney: The term "horseshoe kidney" refers to the joining or fusing of two kidneys. They take on the form of a horseshoe. A horseshoe kidney is situated differently from two conventional kidneys. It is closer to the front of your body and is situated lower in the pelvis.


  • Within 20–25 days of receiving submissions, our Journal approves and publishes them.
  • The chance to speak at our international conferences without paying a registration fee.
  • You will be given free E-Prints and publishing certificates after publication.
  • There are unique membership opportunities for developed, emerging, and low-income nations.


Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, EBSCO A-Z, Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Free Medical Journals, Index Copernicus, CAS

Steps for Article Submission

Submissions that analyze kidney treatment and diagnosis in-depth will be considered by the Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis. Across all medical specialities, the Journal publishes information on clinical trial research, diagnostic methods, and clinical advancements. Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis uses online manuscript submission, review, and tracking technologies to ensure quick and high-quality review processing. In the editorial tracking system, an online submission and review platform, authors can submit manuscripts and monitor the progress of their evaluations. Reviewers can download papers and provide their comments. The entire submission, review, correction, and publication process can be managed by editors. Information on the manuscripts that are ready for publication is available to publishers. Emails are automatically delivered to the parties involved when crucial events occur.

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