Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry-View on conferences

Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on recent advancements in Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and openly available to researchers, young scholars worldwide.
Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry covers a broad spectrum of topics for study that discusses theoretical and conceptual aspects of Chemical Pharmacology, Chemical Biology of Molecules, Anti-Infective Agents in Medicinal chemistry, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmaco-analysis, Pharmaceutical manufacturing, Medicinal organic chemistry, Synthetic Medicinal chemistry, Medicinal Biochemistry, Medicinal Companies and Market Analysis, Medicinal Chemical Research, Bioorganic Chemistry, etc.
Have a glance on the conference list:
Pulsus Group is an internationally renowned medical peer-review publisher and conferences organizer established in the year 1984 publishes and hosts the work of researchers in a manner that exemplifies the highest standards in research integrity.
With a legacy of 30 years of excellence in Medical Publishing we are endorsed by various societies like International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, International Society of Addiction Medicine, European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association, World Federation of Paediatrics Intensive and Critical Care Societies, World Association of Medical Sciences, International Society for Ceramics in Medicine, Thalassaemia International Federation and World Association of Integrated Medicine to nurture the research and development for the beneficence of society.
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Previous conferences held:
These are the few details, kindly go through the link
World Congress on Breast Cancer
February 25- 26, 2019
5th International Conference on Vascular Biology & Surgeons Meeting
February 25-26, 2019
5th World Congress on Neonatology & Pediatrics
February 25-26, 2019
March 16-17, 2020
4th European Congress on Pharma and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Frankfurt, Germany
September 21-22, 2020
Global Summit on Pharmaceutics & Nanomedicine
London, UK
October 19-20, 2020
World Congress on Pharmaceutics and Pharmacological Research
Rome, Italy
Best regards,
George William
Managing Editor | Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry
Whatsapp: +44-20-3608-4181