Journal of Nursing Research and Practice

Journal of Nursing Research and Practice (ISSN 2632-251X), a peer-reviewed publication, strives to investigate innovative approaches to nursing and patient care. The article can be accessed by readers with a valid login password As per our open-access journal platform. In order to maintain anonymity, the authors and reviewers of contributions to the Journal of Nursing Research and Practice use a technique called Rapid Peer Review.
Each paper in each issue has at least four reviewers. The wide range of topics covered by this journal in this field, which also includes patient health, nursing care quality, health care, pediatric care, physician implementation, and family health care nursing, includes physiological nursing, long-term care, nurse research training, and clinical training in nursing.
Journal Information
(ISSN 2632-251X)
Journals H-index: 6
Journals Citation Score: 0.49
Journal factor Impact: 1.03
Charge for processing articles: 1050 EUROS Only
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Health Care
Health care or healthcare is the improvement of one's health through the avoidance, detection, mitigation, or treatment of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in people. Health professionals and other allied health areas provide healthcare. Dental care, pharmacy, midwifery, nursing, optometry, audiology, psychology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and athletic training are all included in the category of health care. It encompasses work done in the fields of public health, primary care, secondary care, and tertiary care.
Organizations designed to address the health requirements of certain populations are known as health systems. The World Health Organization states that a healthy healthcare system needs a finance mechanism, a workforce that is well-trained and fairly compensated, trustworthy data on which to base decisions policies, well-kept medical facilities, and high-quality pharmaceuticals and technologies are all required. An effective healthcare system can play a vital role in the economic growth, industrialization, and development of a nation. Conventionally, health care is seen as a key factor in promoting the overall physical and emotional health and well-being of individuals worldwide. One instance of this was the WHO-declared first illness in human history to be eradicated through intentional medical interventions, smallpox, which was eradicated globally in 1980.
Healthcare Types
Primary Care
Primary care describes the activity of medical practitioners who serve as all patients' initial points of contact within the healthcare system. A primary care physician, such as a general practitioner or family doctor, would typically be such a specialist. A licensed independent practitioner, such as a physiotherapist, or a non-physician primary care provider, like a physician assistant or nurse practitioner, would be another vocation. Depending on the region and the structure of the healthcare system, the patient can first see a pharmacist or nurse before seeing a doctor. Patients may be referred for the secondary or tertiary treatment depending on the nature of their medical issue. The term "primary care" is frequently used to refer to the medical services that are provided to the neighborhood. It can be offered in a variety of settings, such as walk-in clinics or urgent care facilities that offer same-day appointments.
Secondary Care
Acute care is a type of secondary care that is required for a brief time in order to treat a dangerous but transient disease, accident, or other medical condition. The emergency room of a hospital is frequently where this care is offered. In addition, trained birth attendants, acute care, and medical imaging services are included in secondary care. Hospital care and secondary care are sometimes used interchangeably. The majority of dental specialties, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and other secondary care providers, however, do not always work in hospitals. Hospitals are where some primary care services are provided. Patients may need to contact a primary care practitioner for a referral before they can obtain secondary treatment, depending on the structure and policies of the national health system.
Tertiary care
A facility that has staff and resources for advanced medical investigation and treatment, such as a tertiary referral hospital, provides tertiary care, which is specialized consultative health care typically provided to inpatients on referral by a main or secondary health professional. Cancer therapy, advanced neonatology services, palliative care, heart surgery, plastic surgery, treatment for serious burns, and other intricate medical and surgical procedures are a few examples of tertiary care services.
Quaternary care
When referring to highly skilled, in-demand levels of medicine, the phrase "quaternary care"—an extension of "tertiary care"—is occasionally used. Quaternary care includes experimental medicine and some rare diagnostic or surgical techniques. Typically, only a small number of regional or national healthcare facilities offer these services.
The Policy of Our Journals
Publications are made available to readers through open-access publishing in Pulsus magazines. The entire texts of the papers published in Pulsus Publication are accessible to researchers without restriction. The published articles can be read by readers without registration or a password. It increases the readership, usefulness, and citations of the author's work.
Journal Aim
The Journal of Nursing Research and Practice was founded with the intention of examining cutting-edge methods of Nursing and Patient care and providing a detailed Review of related topics. The journal delves into a wide range of topics in this area. To broaden the scope of information covered by our publication, the Journal of Nursing Research and Practice provides authors with a no of platforms on which they publish their research or thoughts.
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