Journal of Health Policy & Management Invites Manuscripts for Volume 4, Issue 1

Journal of Health Policy & Management is an open access scholarly periodical that publishes peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts based on update scientific revelations pertaining to multiple aspects of leadership, management and administration of public health systems, health care systems, hospitals and hospital networks. It brings together individual specialties from different fields, notably health management/policy/economics, epidemiology, social/public policy and philosophy into a dynamic academic mix. The journal also focusses on research areas such as Decision Science, Health Economics, Health Care Management and Public Health Policy.
It would be our extreme pleasure to invite you to submit your manuscripts to our journal for our upcoming issue Volume 3, Issue 1.
We would appreciate receiving your submission on or before January 25th, 2020 OR let us know your feasible time to extend the deadline. Your submissions will be paid high priority during processing.
Journal of Health policy & Management, an international English language, open-access online and print journal, will consider for publication original articles, short communications, case reports, and letters to the editor, editorials, and mini-reviews. Submissions will be assessed on their scientific validity and merit. Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they are submitted solely to Journal of Health policy & Management, and that none of the material contained in the manuscript has been published previously or is under consideration for publication elsewhere, excluding abstracts. The publisher reserves commercial copyright on all published material, and permits individual copy reproduction and use in any medium provided the work is properly cited. For permission to reproduce and distribute multiple copies of the publication, please contact the publisher at Statements and opinions are the responsibility of the authors.
Media contact:
Managing Editor
Journal of Health Policy & Management.
What’s App: +1-947-333-4405