Influence of controlled breathing technique on exertion in overweight college students

Overweight individuals showed higher oxygen uptake in relation to BMI and rating perceived exertion than the normal individuals.
Overweight is defined, when the body mass index (BMI) is 25-29.99 kg/m2. Obesity is also associated with low level of physical activity and in return to become a greater risk of insulin resistance, and cardiovascular problem, musculoskeletal deconditioning. According to statistics, about 10%-20% of children in India are obese. The number increased to up to 30% among adolescents. About 2/3rd of children with obesity continue to become obese even during their adult life. So, obesity is becoming an evolving health problem. India is ranked as the third most obese country in the world.
Consuming unhealthy food and alcohol, with life style of low level activity are the leading cause of self-destruction, making five in one Indian men or women susceptible to obesity or overweight. According to WHO, globally there are more than 1 billion adults who are overweight and 300 million people were found to be obese. In developing country, the problem of obesity is increasing with more than 115 million people prone for developing problems related to obesity. Recent study indicated that in 97.1 million of USA adults in 55% of the total adult people are either Pre-obese [(BMI) 25.0-29.9 or obese (BMI>30.0 kg/m2)]. A lot of studies have provided evidence that high body weight, BMI, or adiposity is associated with lower levels of physical activity and less interest towards physical activity programs.
The study concludes that the overweight college students who underwent controlled breathing technique during stair climbing has significant reduction in the heart rate, respiratory rate and exertion when compared to subjects who did not undergo controlled breathing during stair climbing.
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