Gonioscopy is a painless exam your ophthalmologist uses to check a part of your eye called the drainage angle. This area is at the front of your eye between the iris and the cornea. It is where fluid called aqueous humor naturally drains out of your eye.
Gonioscopy is using a gonio-lens (also known as a gonioscope) together with a slit lamp or operating microscope to view the iridocorneal angle, or the anatomical angle formed between the eye's cornea and iris.
It’s main goal is to thoroughly evaluate eye health and properly diagnose eye diseases such as glaucoma, which is the second leading cause of blindness.
Why Gonioscopy?
Gonioscopy is usually suggested along with other tests to confirm and evaluate gravity of eye problems. Other tests may include tonometry (to measure eye pressure), slit lamp examination, perimetry (to determine range of vision), and ophthalmoscopy (to check the optic nerves).
When Should You Have a Gonioscopy?
Early signs of vision changes and eye disease may begin around age 40. This is when all adults should get a baseline eye disease screening with an ophthalmologist.
Possible Risks and Complications
 There is usually no pain felt in a gonioscopy exam, and the test only lasts a few minutes. While the test itself does not usually cause discomfort, the initial application of the anaesthetic eyedrops may cause a slight burning sensation.
 When the pupils become dilated due to the exam, the patient may experience blurred vision in the next several hours after the test. It is important for the eyes not to be rubbed for the next 30 minutes after the test is done, or until the eye drop medicine wears off. Contact lenses must not be worn during this time as well.
 Among minor risks associated with this test include allergic reaction to the anaesthetic eyedrops and/or eye infection.
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Media Contact:
Sarah Rose
Journal Manager
The Ophthalmologist: Clinical and Therapeutic Journal
Email: ophthalmologist@eclinicalsci.com