COP27 Day 1: Turning Ambition into Action

Cop 27 has begun and the various topics covered in the first few days were the highlight of the greatest problems causing climate change and paving the way for future ambition to effectively tackle these global challenges of climate change.
Discussions at COP27 get underway near the conclusion of a year that saw disastrous floods, unheard-of heat waves, terrible droughts, and powerful storms—all clear signs that a climate emergency is developing. As a result of serious geopolitical tensions and conflicts, millions of people around the world are currently dealing with the effects of concomitant energy, food, water, and cost of living crises. In this unfavorable environment, some nations have started to stall or reverse their climate policy and increased their reliance on fossil fuels.
In order to achieve the main aim of the Paris Agreement, which is to limit temperature rise to 1.50C by the end of this century, CO2 emissions must be reduced by 45% by 2030 when compared to 2010 levels, according to the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. To prevent the worst effects of climate change, such as more frequent and severe droughts, heatwaves, and rainfall, this is essential. According to a UN Climate Change assessment released in advance of COP27, although countries are bending the global greenhouse gas emission curve downward, efforts are still insufficient to keep the increase in global temperature to 1.50C by the end of the century.
Shipping-Related Emissions
The Green Shipping Challenge is introduced by the US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, and Norwegian Prime Minister, Jonas Gahr Store. The Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue and the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy are two examples of larger efforts on ocean and climate action that the Challenge aims to support.
Shipping-related emissions are substantial, increasing, and moving in a direction that is inconsistent with the Paris Agreement's objectives. Shipping would rank as the eighth-largest emitter if it were a "nation."
With the help of numerous initiatives like the Clydebank Declaration on green shipping corridors and the Declaration on Zero Emission Shipping by 2050, several Parties at COP26 started concentrating on reducing emissions from the industry. The COP27 will provide an opportunity to expand on this study and show real-world applications. Without decarbonizing shipping, it is impossible to stay within the 1.50C limit, so setting shipping on a 1.5C-aligned trajectory with aggressive 2030 and 2040 targets is now essential.
The Forests and Climate Leaders’ Partnership
To lessen vulnerability to the effects of climate change and store carbon in the land, it is imperative to limit deforestation and better manage natural and productive landscapes. Additionally, it promotes livelihoods, safeguards ecosystem biodiversity, and increases agricultural output for low-carbon, climate-resilient economies, and communities as a whole.
At COP26, more than 140 nations, representing more than 90% of the world's forests, made a joint commitment to stop and reverse land degradation and forest loss by 2030. This was supported by Governmental and private financing totalling US$19.2 billion. The establishment of The Forests and Climate Leaders' Partnership (FCLP) today strengthens that commitment.
The High-Level Champions
At COP21, nations decided to nominate two High Level Champions in order to link the efforts of governments with the numerous voluntary and cooperative actions conducted by cities, regions, enterprises, investors, and civil society.
Dr. Nigel Topping and Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin are the current Champions. Building on the work of their predecessors, they collaborate with the Marrakech Partnership to engage non-Party stakeholders and open the "ambition loop" with national governments. Their efforts are primarily intended to promote a concerted movement in society as a whole toward a decarbonized economy so that we can all live happily in a world that is healthy, robust, and net-zero.
Power to Youth
South Africa hosted the Regional Conference of Youth from October 14–16. Prior to the 17th Conference of Youth (COY17) and COP27, the main goal of the RCOY-Africa was to increase African youth advocacy and capacity. African Youth Position Paper development was one of the main outcomes of RCOY-Africa. A lengthy stakeholder engagement process was necessary to create a statement that represented the opinions of several young Africans from various regions and industries. The calls for action included a focus on the green economy, action for climate empowerment, and climate policy and governance, all of which were based on the feedback that was given.
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