Contribute your precious research work to our Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology and make your research conspicious to the scientific world.

Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology (Volume 12, Issue 1) with ISSN:1983-8905 and PUBMED NLM ID:101577887, is an Open Access Journal which is substantially functioning and publishing excellent quality research and eagerly anticipating in framing up an eminent, outstanding upcoming issue with best quality research articles for Open Access readers.
This Journal accepts submissions from all the countries across the world. It has the article repository with different aspects of Phlebology and Lymphology, including original clinical studies, reviews, translational investigations, etc. The journal publishes research, review articles, case reports, commentary articles, perspectives, etc. It provides easy and straightforward log-in and submission procedures which includes the web-based Editorial Tracking System to ensure the standard and highly efficient review process.
On behalf of our Editorial team, we take this delightful opportunity to extend the invitation for the research submissions towards our Journal to all the World-wide Esteemed Scholars.
The journal offers author benefits which include
- The copyright of their own research outcomes, concepts and expert opinions
- Post-publication promotion of the published articles for enhanced visibility and citation probability
- Special discounts on processing charges based on the number, relevance and impact of the submissions
- Publication of the article within one week after the acceptance by the peer-reviewers (fast track review)
Looking forward for your valuable submissions. In case of any queries, please do contact us at
With Regards,
John Mathews
Journal Coordinator
Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology
Whatsapp: +1-947-333-4405