Cancer organoid for effective anti-cancer drug research

Journal of Molecular Cancer is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal that aims to enhance our understanding on the genesis, diagnosis, consequences of cancer molecules by critiquing the literature on Molecular Cancer, Cell and Tumor Biology, Angiogenesis, Cancer Antigens, Cellular Signaling and Molecular Biology, Genetic And Molecular Profiling of Cancer, DNA Damage and Repair, Cell Cycle, Metastasis.
Cancer is an abnormal condition of cells that changes dynamically, consisting of various cells and extracellular components. However, research on anticancer drugs does not account for these abnormalities. Therefore, in order to kill cancer, researchers should imitate cancer.
Finally, this model cannot completely mimic irregularity. It is possible to imitate a tumor completely if a pattern exists, but to imitate irregularities is very difficult. The authors should be able to increase the similarities to cancer masses through subsequent experiments. In spite of these limitations, this article shows promising significance. If drug trial failure rates and the time between in vitro experiments and clinical trials are reduced, the therapeutic-effect evaluation of new anticancer drug candidates will become more rapid and accurate.
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Julia Gillard
Managing Editor
Journal of Molecular Cancer
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