Announcement of Discount on Full Length Article Publication on its Occasion of 3rd Anniversary

Clinical Pharmacology and toxicology research are scheduled to celebrate its 3rd anniversary in the year 2020. The journal is devoted to convey and spread to its researchers around the world, the latest knowledge in attempts is to promote the understanding of pharmaceutical sciences, drug toxicology at the highest level, and to allow researchers and scientists to use that knowledge in experimenting new methods, treatment, prognosis, and prevention. It is an open-access journal that caters to reliable information in the form of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc.
The Journal offers this unique opportunity of greater flexibility to the contributors to published different types of scientific communications related to Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Research calls on leading scientists and scholars around the world including but, not limited to the following fields: Biochemical pharmacology, Cancer Pharmacology, Molecular and cellular pharmacology, Pharmacology, Structural biology, Cardiovascular Toxicology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Clinical Drug Trials, Clinical Pharmacists, Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Research Studies, Clinical Trials Databases, Medical Trails/ Drug Medical Trails, Methods in Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacoeconomics, Preclinical safety evaluation of biopharmaceuticals, Psychopharmacology, Forensic Toxicology, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Renal Toxicity, Reproductive Toxicology, Skin Toxicology, Tetanus Toxin, Toxicogenomics, Toxicology Reports, Toxicology Testing, Chemical Toxicology, Developmental Toxicology, Drug Toxicity, Applied Toxicology, Genetic Toxicology, Inhalation Toxicology, Neuro Toxicology, Occular Toxicology, Pediatric Toxicology.
For the last 3 years Clinical pharmacology and toxicology research is leading the world in publication of peer-reviewed novel research deals with all the infectious diseases, pharmaceutical sciences, epidemiology, drug discovery. The journal has archived resources of several issues from 2018 which tract the significant steps during the evolution of alternative medicinal studies.
Google Analytics has revealed that readers are constantly accessing the website round the clock. Approximately 4,110 visitors accessed the journal home page for various academic and research purposes which include: Knowing about the journal and its publication model; reading the aims and scope; manuscript preparation and submission protocol; accessing and citing the published content for scientific documentation. The geographical distribution of our readership is as follows: Asia 27.89%, Africa 16.77%, Europe 1.56%, America 0.63%, others 55.15%.
Clinical pharmacology and toxicology research offer special discounts up to 30% on the article processing charges on stepping into 3rd year in publication and encourages the contributors across the globe to make the best use of the opportunity. All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), World Cat, Secret Search Engine Labs. All published articles are permanently archived and available at Pulses website in HTML and PDF formats.
Authors are welcome to submit their contribution in the form of research, review, short communication, case studies, and case reports, etc. The journal is using a peer review process where the quality and the standard of the articles should receive consent from at least two individual reviewers followed by the Editor’s approval to be accepted for publication.
Best regards
Mary Wilson
Managing Editor
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
Tel & Whats app: +1-947-333-4405